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- Michael Forrest

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Happiness has now been replaced with a new app called Changes.

Adding diary entries has never been easier and tagging mood ratings has never been more flexible and powerful.

More about Changes


Happiness is an iOS journal app focused on the thing that matters most.

Track your happiness to become more self-aware and make better decisions in your life.

Keep a diary and one day it’ll keep you.
~ Mae West


Go beyond your inner dialogue and start finding patterns.

Becoming mindful of your current emotional state is a good habit to adopt.

Sometimes it's just helpful to write things down.

Tagging your entries opens up new ways to explore your feelings over time.

Keeping a record of when you're happy means that when you hit hard times you have a place to go to remember things.

Innermost thoughts organised

I saw her again today. She glanced across me as I approached and I could only look away, chastising myself for my cowardice.

- Fear

- Jennifer

- Loneliness

It's lunchtime and I've been so busy that I have not had a single moment to feel sorry for myself. Work is a welcome distraction and I feel I am making good progress today.

- Busy

- Work

- The Project

All my work paid off today when my presentation proceeded without a hitch. Those late nights are paying off and I look forward to getting started on this project.

- Work

- The Project

- Success

How I detest this commute. The air tastes foul in this carriage and I'm still ten miles from home.

- Work

- Commuting

She tapped me on the shoulder in the supermarket while I scowled. "Hi! Is everything okay?" she asked. I complained for a moment about the trains but then remembered all the things that had gone well. I told her that perhaps I would move nearer my work and she let out a sigh of disappointment before she could stop herself. This gave me the courage to ask her if she would like to join me for the evening and she said 'sure, why not?'. I blushed.

- Jennifer

- Hope

It's been three hours and she has not returned my call. I know she said she'd be busy today but it's putting me on edge. I'm probably overreacting.

- Fear

- Paranoia

- Waiting

I knew I was being silly earlier. She wants to see me again tonight! I can't express my excitement. I feel like this is the start of something unsurpassable... It's been such a crazy month!

- Jennifer

I never travel without my diary. One should always have something sensational to read in a train.
~ Oscar Wilde


It's an app that asks you how you are.

Don't just learn about the times in your life when you happen to feel like using an iPhone app. Record your life while you're living it.

Reminders come at random based on your preferences. A daily prompt works best but if you want to be asked every hour you can have that too.

The app starts up quickly and your phone will be back in your pocket before you know it.

I love the app, my shrink loves the app, we love the app so much!
~ Happiness user


Insightful graphics put things
in perspective.

In your busy life it's sometimes hard to see the wood for the trees. But there's nothing like a big red square with someone's name in it to know it's time to make a change.

The app comes with a handful of powerful ways to explore your entries. You'll be amazed what you discover.

I saw her again today. She glanced across me as I approached and I could only look away, chastising myself for my cowardice.I saw her again today. She glanced across me as I approached and I could only look away, chastising myself for my cowardice.
March 2012
For me, this app is the single best reason for owning an iPhone.
~ Happiness user